In 2014, a clinical trial conducted by Harvard Medical School and Johns Hopkins University at Massachusetts General Children's Hospital (NCT:01474993) found that sulforaphane is helpful to improve social interaction, abnormal behavior and language communication in autism patients In 2018, the University of California published the results of a clinical trial in which sulforaphane increased conversation and eye contact, reduced meaningless voice, calmer, less repetitive and self injurious behaviors in the University of California published the results of a clinical trial in which sulforaphane increased conversation, reduced meaningless voice, increased eye contact, calmer, less repetitive and self injurious behaviors in autistic patients patients

In 2015, animal and human studies at Chiba University Hospital in Japan found that dietary intake of glucoraphanin in adolescence can prevent and treat the cognitive impairment of schizophrenia, and prevent high-risk groups from transforming into schizophrenia in adulthood

In 2016 and 2017, animal studies at Chiba University showed that  the intake of sulforaphane in adolescents and young adults can prevent depression-like behavior following chronic social frustration stress or bacterial endotoxin LPS administration, indicating that sulforaphane has a preventive effect on depression

Figure: Depression and other common mental disorders: global health estimates by WHO (2017)